United as a tribe, building a bond of family

About Our Organization

MBUDCA USA is an apolitical non-profit, 501 (c)(3) charity organization that was first established in Boston, Massachusetts in the year 1998. It draws its membership from all Mbu people and friends all over the world. Our organization unites as a community that helps and empowers one another in improving lives, especially of those who are in need.


Our mission in the United States is to provide a support system for members and foster fraternal relations among all people in the Mbu-Baforchu heritage, as well as friends of Mbu nationwide and all over the world.

Aims and Objectives

The purpose for which the association is created shall be to:

  • Promote the developmental, cultural, social and economic aspirations of all members of the Association in the United States and in Mbu-Baforchu;
  • Work in close collaboration with the Traditional and Village Councils to promote peace and unity among the people of Mbu, so as to rally their efforts for collective development;
  • Encourage and develop Mbu Art and Culture;
  • Encourage individual and collective efforts necessary for the rapid development of Mbu at the village community level and of Mbu citizens wherever they may be, in keeping with the spirit of self reliant development;
  • Coordinate such efforts to achieve maximum success;
  • Promote awareness and social climate which are conducive for individual and collective progress;
  • Cooperate with U.S institutions and international organizations, towards the achievement of the above mentioned objectives, in keeping with MBUDCA USA development goals.

You Can Help Us Make a Difference

If you want to help us make a difference in the lives of our brethren in need, be one of our sponsors today. You can also make a donation for our ongoing projects.

Non-Discrimination Statement

MBUDCA USA does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, color, religion, sex, national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability and genetic information.